i n v i d a t i o n    v5

__ lab transmedia numérique __ grappe de cerveaux connectés __ multiprocessing poétique __ zone de scrypt.#rt __

__ avec __
Mathias Richard
Nikola Akileus

__ arrière-plan __
compendium invidation_v[<5] avec AC Hello, g.Cl4renko, Mathias Richard, Awkwardist & Nikola Akileus

__ digital transmedia lab __ brain cluster __ poetic multiprocessing __ scrypt.#rt area __

__ featuring __
Mathias Richard
Nikola Akileus

__ background __
compendium invidation_v[<5] feat. AC Hello, g.Cl4renko, Mathias Richard, Awkwardist & Nikola Akileus

webscrypted by atomeases __ powered by PluXml
now on hystereodrome

Jim Delarge
Tajiaphragm / Memory 3
Ichtyor Tides
 sub retournementPoetivites { 	my $poeme = $_[0];
foreach my $mot (keys(%{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}})) { my $poetivite = 0;
my $nbpoetivites = scalar(@{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot}});
while( scalar(@{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot}}) > 0) { $poetivite += shift(@{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot}});
} $poetivite = int($poetivite / $nbpoetivites);

$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot} = $poetivite;

} } sub nettoieMot { my $mot = $_[0];

while($mot =~ m/(\.|,)$/) {chop $mot;
return $mot;

  sub deuxiemePassage {  	my $ligne;
my $indLigne;
my $lastRatio;
my $compteur = 0;
my $poeme = undef;

while(<fREC>) {
$ligne = $_;
my @Ligne = split(/\s+/,$ligne);

if($poeme) { &retournementPoetivites ($poeme);
$poeme = $1;

print fLOG "\tPoeme " . $compteur . " : " . $poeme . "\n";
$indLigne = 0;
$lastRatio = undef;
my $nbMotsLigne = scalar(@Ligne);

if($nbMotsLigne == 0) { next;
my $mot;


for(my $indMot = 1 ;
$indMot <= $nbMotsLigne ;
$indMot++) {
$mot = $Ligne[$indMot-1];

if(exists($Symboles{$mot})) { next;
} if(length($mot) == 1 && !exists($Symboles{$mot}) && !exists($Voyelles{$mot}) && !exists($Consonnes{$mot})) { next;
$mot = &nettoieMot($mot);

my $poetivite = 0;

$poetivite += max(values(%Mots)) / $Mots{$mot};

my $nbLettresMot = length($mot);
$poetivite *= abs($nbLettresMot - $Recueil{$poeme}{"longueur_mot_moyenne"});

$poetivite *= 1 + $indLigne / $Recueil{$poeme}{"nombre_lignes"};

$poetivite *= 1 + $indMot / $nbMotsLigne;

my @Mot = split(//,$mot);
my $nbVoyelles = 0;
my $nbConsonnes = 0;
my $nbSymboles = 1;
foreach my $lettre (@Mot) { if (exists $Voyelles{$lettre}) { $Voyelles{$lettre}++;
$nbVoyelles ++;
} else { if (exists $Consonnes{$lettre}) { $Consonnes{$lettre}++;
$nbConsonnes ++;
} else { if (exists $Symboles{$lettre}) { $Symboles{$lettre}++;
$nbSymboles ++;
} else { print "Lettre $lettre non identifiable dans $mot à la ligne $indLigne\n";
} } } } if($mot =~ m/au/) {$nbVoyelles--;
my $ratio = $nbVoyelles / $nbLettresMot;

if($ratio == 0 || $ratio == 1) { $poetivite *= $nbLettresMot;
if($lastRatio) { if(($lastRatio - $ratio) == 0) { $poetivite *= $nbLettresMot * $nbLettresMot;
} } } else { if($ratio < (1/3)) { $poetivite *= 1/$ratio;
if($lastRatio) { if($ratio <= $lastRatio) { $poetivite *= $lastRatio / $ratio + 1;
} } } else { if($ratio > (2/3)) { $poetivite *= 1/(1-$ratio);
if($lastRatio) { if($ratio >= $lastRatio) { $poetivite *= $ratio / $lastRatio + 1;
} } } else {$poetivite *= 1;
} } } $lastRatio = $ratio;

if($mot =~ /'/) {$nbSymboles--;
} $poetivite *= 1 + $nbSymboles;

if (exists $Symboles{$Mot[0]}) { $poetivite *= 1 + $nbSymboles;
$poetivite = int($poetivite + 0.5);


 function isCloseColor($myImage,$myColor,$rref,$gref,$bref,$rmax) { 	$myRGBColor = array();
$myRGBColor = imagecolorsforindex($myImage,$myColor);
return (sqrt(pow($myRGBColor["red"]-$rref,2)+pow($myRGBColor["green"]-$gref,2)+pow($myRGBColor["blue"]-$bref,2)) < $rmax);
} function horizonoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[1] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[0] ;
$j++) {
if(rand(1,100) >= $strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$j,$i);
} else { imagesetpixel($myImage,$j,$i,$currColor);
} if($i != $dimImage[1] - 1) $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,$i+1);
} } function vertinoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,100) >= $strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);
} else { imagesetpixel($myImage,$i,$j,$currColor);
} } if($i != $dimImage[0] - 1) $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i+1,0);
} } function detoureAndPaste($myImage,$myImageOrigin,$dimImage) { $backColor = imagecolorat($myImageOrigin,1,1);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImageOrigin,$i,$j);
if($currColor != $backColor) { $aRGB = array();
$aRGB = imagecolorsforindex($myImageOrigin,$currColor);
} } } } function licqefacnoise($myImage,$dimImage) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,$dimImage[1]) >= intval($j*1.0)) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);
} else { imagesetpixel($myImage,$i,$j,$currColor);
} } if($i != $dimImage[0] - 1) $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i+1,0);
} } function linenoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength,$freq) { $indexWhite = imagecolorexact($myImage,255,255,255);
if($indexWhite == -1) $indexWhite = imagecolorclosest($myImage,255,255,255);
$indexBlack = imagecolorexact($myImage,0,0,0);
if($indexBlack == -1) $indexBlack = imagecolorclosest($myImage,0,0,0);

for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,$freq) >= 2) {
} else { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);

if($currColor == $indexWhite) continue;

$nb_lignes = rand(1,$strength);
} } } }

 function isCloseColor($myImage,$myColor,$rref,$gref,$bref,$rmax) { 	$myRGBColor = array();
$myRGBColor = imagecolorsforindex($myImage,$myColor);
return (sqrt(pow($myRGBColor["red"]-$rref,2)+pow($myRGBColor["green"]-$gref,2)+pow($myRGBColor["blue"]-$bref,2)) < $rmax);
} function horizonoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[1] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[0] ;
$j++) {
if(rand(1,100) >= $strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$j,$i);
} else { imagesetpixel($myImage,$j,$i,$currColor);
} if($i != $dimImage[1] - 1) $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,$i+1);
} } function vertinoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,100) >= $strength) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);
} else { imagesetpixel($myImage,$i,$j,$currColor);
} } if($i != $dimImage[0] - 1) $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i+1,0);
} } function detoureAndPaste($myImage,$myImageOrigin,$dimImage) { $backColor = imagecolorat($myImageOrigin,1,1);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImageOrigin,$i,$j);
if($currColor != $backColor) { $aRGB = array();
$aRGB = imagecolorsforindex($myImageOrigin,$currColor);
} } } } function licqefacnoise($myImage,$dimImage) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,$dimImage[1]) >= intval($j*1.0)) { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);
} else { imagesetpixel($myImage,$i,$j,$currColor);
} } if($i != $dimImage[0] - 1) $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i+1,0);
} } function linenoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength,$freq) { $indexWhite = imagecolorexact($myImage,255,255,255);
if($indexWhite == -1) $indexWhite = imagecolorclosest($myImage,255,255,255);
$indexBlack = imagecolorexact($myImage,0,0,0);
if($indexBlack == -1) $indexBlack = imagecolorclosest($myImage,0,0,0);

for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,$freq) >= 2) {
} else { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);

if($currColor == $indexWhite) continue;

$nb_lignes = rand(1,$strength);
} } } }

 function longLinenoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength,$freq) { 	$indexWhite = imagecolorexact($myImage,255,255,255);
$indexBlack = imagecolorexact($myImage,0,0,0);

for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,$freq) >= 20) {
} else { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);

if(isCloseColor($myImage,$currColor,255,255,255,10)) continue;

$nb_lignes = rand(1,intval($strength/10));
$length = rand(intval($strength/5),$strength);
} } } } function drawLignes($myImage,$dimImage,$color,$x,$y,$nb_lignes,$max_length) { for($i = 0 ;
$i < $nb_lignes ;
$i++) { $xmin = $x-$max_length;
if($xmin < 0) $xmin = 0;
$ymin = $y-$max_length;
if($ymin < 0) $ymin = 0;
$xmax = $x+$max_length;
if($xmax > $dimImage[0] - 1) $xmax = $dimImage[0] - 1;
$ymax = $y+$max_length;
if($ymax > $dimImage[1] - 1) $ymax = $dimImage[1] - 1;
$x2 = rand($xmin,$xmax);
$y2 = rand($ymin,$ymax);
while(sqrt(pow($x2-$x,2) + pow($y2-$y,2)) > $max_length) { $xmin = $x-$max_length;
if($xmin < 0) $xmin = 0;
$ymin = $y-$max_length;
if($ymin < 0) $ymin = 0;
$xmax = $x+$max_length;
if($xmax > $dimImage[0] - 1) $xmax = $dimImage[0] - 1;
$ymax = $y+$max_length;
if($ymax > $dimImage[1] - 1) $ymax = $dimImage[1] - 1;
$x2 = rand($xmin,$xmax);
$y2 = rand($ymin,$ymax);
} imageline($myImage,$x,$y,$x2,$y2,$color);
$x = $x2;
$y = $y2;
} } function invertnoise($myImage,$dimImage,$strength) { $indexBlack = imagecolorexact($myImage,0,0,0);
if($indexBlack == -1) $indexBlack = imagecolorclosest($myImage,0,0,0);

$indexWhite = imagecolorexact($myImage,255,255,255);
if($indexWhite == -1) $indexWhite = imagecolorclosest($myImage,255,255,255);

$currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,0,0);
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $dimImage[0] ;
$i++) { for($j = 0 ;
$j < $dimImage[1] ;
$j++) { if(rand(1,100) >= $strength) { } else { $currColor = imagecolorat($myImage,$i,$j);
if($currColor == $indexBlack) imagesetpixel($myImage,$i,$j,$indexWhite);
if($currColor == $indexWhite) imagesetpixel($myImage,$i,$j,$indexBlack);
} } } }

 sub poedilation { 	my $poeme = $_[0];
my $degre = $_[1];

open fPOE, ">" . $poeme . ".txt" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier $poeme.txt !\n";
open fPTE, ">" . $poeme . "_pte.txt" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier $poeme.txt !\n";

foreach my $ligne (sort( {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}}))) {
if(scalar(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}}) == 0) { print fPOE "\n";
if(scalar(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}}) == 1) { print fPOE ${$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}}[0] . "\n";
print fPTE ${$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"poetivites"}}[0] . "\n";
my @finalLine;
my @finalPoe;
for (my $i = 0 ;
$i < $degre ;
$i++) {
my @newLine;
my @newPoetivites;

while(scalar(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}}) > 1) {
my $motAvant = shift(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}});
my $poeAvant = shift(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"poetivites"}});
my $interpol = int(($poeAvant + ${$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"poetivites"}}[0]) / 2);

if(exists($Poetivites{$poeme}{$interpol})) {

if(exists($Poetivites{$poeme}{$interpol-1})) {

if(exists($Poetivites{$poeme}{$interpol+1})) {

my @poetivikeys = sort( {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$Poetivites{"recueil"}}));
my $avant = $poetivikeys[0];
my $apres = 0;
foreach my $poetivitest (@poetivikeys) {
next if($poetivitest == $avant);
if($poetivitest > $interpol) { $apres = $poetivitest;
} $avant = $poetivitest;

if(($interpol - $avant) > ($apres - $interpol)) { push(@newLine,${$Poetivites{"recueil"}{$apres}}[int(rand(scalar(@{$Poetivites{"recueil"}{$apres}})))]);
} else { push(@newLine,${$Poetivites{"recueil"}{$avant}}[int(rand(scalar(@{$Poetivites{"recueil"}{$avant}})))]);
if(scalar(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}}) > 0) { push(@newLine,shift(@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}}));
} @{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"mots"}} = @newLine;
@finalLine = @newLine;
@{$SampledRecueil{$poeme}{$ligne}{"poetivites"}} = @newPoetivites;
@finalPoe = @newPoetivites;

foreach my $motfinal (@finalLine) { print fPOE $motfinal . " ";
} foreach my $poefinale (@finalPoe) { print fPTE $poefinale . " ";
} print fPOE "\n";
print fPTE "\n";

print "\n\npoedilation OK ! (voir " . $poeme . ".txt, " . $poeme . "_pte.txt pour le spectre)\n";
close fPOE;
close fPTE;


 sub retournementPoetivites { 	my $poeme = $_[0];
foreach my $mot (keys(%{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}})) { my $poetivite = 0;
my $nbpoetivites = scalar(@{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot}});
while( scalar(@{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot}}) > 0) { $poetivite += shift(@{$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot}});
} $poetivite = int($poetivite / $nbpoetivites);

$Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot} = $poetivite;

} } sub nettoieMot { my $mot = $_[0];

while($mot =~ m/(\.|,)$/) {chop $mot;
return $mot;

     print "\n\nSpectromie...\n\n";
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
my $specFile;
if($recueilFile =~ m/^(\S+)\.\w+$/) { $specFile = $1;
} else { $specFile = $recueilFile;
} $specFile .= "_spec.txt";
open fSPEC, ">$specFile" or die "Impossible de créer le fichier log !\n";
my %Poetivites;
my %SampledRecueil;
close fREC;
close fSPEC;
print "\n\nPoedilation...\n\n";
my @choix = sort( {$a <=> $b or $a cmp $b} keys(%SampledRecueil));
my $num_choix = 1;
foreach my $choice (@choix) { print "[" . sprintf("%2s",$num_choix) . "] " . $choice . "\n";
} my $zeChoix = "non";
while (!($zeChoix =~ m/^\d+$/ && $zeChoix >= 1 && $zeChoix <= scalar(@choix))) { print "\nentrer le numero du poeme choisi pour la poedilation :\n";
$zeChoix = <STDIN>;
} chomp($zeChoix);
my $poeme_choisi = $choix[$zeChoix];
my $total_mots = 0;
foreach (keys(%{$SampledRecueil{$poeme_choisi}})) { $total_mots += scalar @{$SampledRecueil{$poeme_choisi}{$_}{"mots"}};
} print "\npoedilation de \"" . $poeme_choisi . "\" (" . $total_mots . " mots)...\n";
my $degreP = "non";
while (!($degreP =~ m/^\d+$/ && $degreP >= 1)) { print "\nEntrer le degre de poedilation :\n";
$degreP = <STDIN>;
} chomp($degreP);
open fPOE, ">poetivites.txt" or die;
foreach my $poetivite (sort( {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$Poetivites{"recueil"}}))) { print fPOE $poetivite . "\t";
foreach my $mot (@{$Poetivites{"recueil"}{$poetivite}}) { print fPOE $mot . "\t";
} print fPOE "\n";
} close fPOE;

 sub premierPassage {  	my $ligne;
my $compteur = 0;
my $poeme = undef;
my $nbMots;
my $lengthCumul;

while(<fREC>) {
$ligne = $_;
my @Ligne = split(/\s+/,$ligne);
if($poeme) { $Recueil{$poeme}{"longueur_mot_moyenne"} = $lengthCumul / $nbMots;
$poeme = $1;

$Recueil{$poeme}{"nombre_lignes"} = 0;
$nbMots = 0;
$lengthCumul = 0;
my $nbMotsLigne = scalar(@Ligne);

if($nbMotsLigne == 0) { next;
} else { $nbMots += $nbMotsLigne;

foreach my $mot (@Ligne) {
if(exists($Symboles{$mot})) { $nbMotsLigne--;
} if(length($mot) == 1 && !exists($Symboles{$mot}) && !exists($Voyelles{$mot}) && !exists($Consonnes{$mot})) { $nbMotsLigne--;
$mot = &nettoieMot($mot);

if(!exists($Mots{$mot})) { $Mots{$mot} = 1;
} else { $Mots{$mot}++;
$lengthCumul += length($mot);

} $Recueil{$poeme}{"longueur_mot_moyenne"} = $lengthCumul / $nbMots;

close fREC;

my $freqMax = 0;
my $motMax;
while((my $mot,my $freq) = each(%Mots)) { if($freq > $freqMax) { $motMax = $mot;
$freqMax = $freq;
} }

 use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw( max );
my %Symboles = ("'"=> 0, "-"=> 0, "_"=> 0, "'"=> 0, "\""=> 0, "\\"=> 0, "/"=> 0, "|"=> 0, "«"=> 0, "»"=> 0, "°"=> 0, ","=> 0, ";
"=> 0, "."=> 0, "`"=> 0, ":"=> 0, "~"=> 0, "{"=> 0, "}"=> 0, "["=> 0, "]"=> 0, "("=> 0, ")"=> 0, "+"=> 0, "="=> 0, "<"=> 0, ">"=> 0, "*"=> 0, "²"=> 0, "³"=> 0, "?"=> 0, "%"=> 0, "\$"=> 0, "@"=> 0, "±"=> 0, "^"=> 0, "¨"=> 0, "¯"=> 0, "0"=> 0, "9"=> 0, "8"=> 0, "7"=> 0, "6"=> 0, "5"=> 0, "4"=> 0, "3"=> 0, "2"=> 0, "1"=> 0, );
my %Voyelles = ("a"=> 0, "à"=> 0, "â"=> 0, "ä"=> 0, "á"=> 0, "e"=> 0, "è"=> 0, "é"=> 0, "ê"=> 0, "ë"=> 0, "i"=> 0, "î"=> 0, "ï"=> 0, "ì"=> 0, "í"=> 0, "o"=> 0, "ô"=> 0, "ö"=> 0, "ò"=> 0, "ó"=> 0, "u"=> 0, "û"=> 0, "ü"=> 0, "ù"=> 0, "ú"=> 0, "y"=> 0, "A"=> 0, "E"=> 0, "I"=> 0, "O"=> 0, "U"=> 0, "Y"=> 0, );
my %Consonnes = ("b"=> 0, "c"=> 0, "ç"=> 0, "d"=> 0, "f"=> 0, "g"=> 0, "h"=> 0, "j"=> 0, "k"=> 0, "l"=> 0, "m"=> 0, "n"=> 0, "p"=> 0, "q"=> 0, "r"=> 0, "s"=> 0, "t"=> 0, "v"=> 0, "w"=> 0, "x"=> 0, "z"=> 0, "B"=> 0, "C"=> 0, "D"=> 0, "F"=> 0, "G"=> 0, "H"=> 0, "J"=> 0, "K"=> 0, "L"=> 0, "M"=> 0, "N"=> 0, "P"=> 0, "Q"=> 0, "R"=> 0, "S"=> 0, "T"=> 0, "V"=> 0, "W"=> 0, "X"=> 0, "Z"=> 0, );

my $recueilFile;
if ( !GetOptions ( 'recueil=s' => \$recueilFile ) ) { print "!!! Erreur dans la lecture de la ligne de commande\n";
} if ( !defined $recueilFile ) { print "!!! Aucun fichier spécifié (option -recueil) !!\n";
} my %Recueil;
my %Mots;
print "\nOuverture du recueil...\n";
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
# print "\n\nPremier passage...\n\n";
close fREC;
# print "\n\nDeuxième passage...\n\n";
my %Poetivites;
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
my $logFile;
if($recueilFile =~ m/^(\S+)\.\w+$/) { $logFile = $1;
} else { $logFile = $recueilFile;
} $logFile .= "_log.txt";
open fLOG, ">$logFile" or die "Impossible de créer le fichier log !\n";
close fREC;
close fLOG;

  sub spectromie {  	my $ligne;
my $compteur = 0;
my $ligne_poeme = 0;
my $poeme = undef;

while(<fREC>) {
$ligne = $_;
my @Ligne = split(/\s+/,$ligne);

$poeme = $1;
$ligne_poeme = 0;
print fSPEC "\tPoeme " . $compteur . " : " . $poeme . "\n";
my $nbMotsLigne = scalar(@Ligne);

if($nbMotsLigne == 0) { print fSPEC "\n";
foreach my $mot (@Ligne) {
if(exists($Symboles{$mot})) { next;
} if(length($mot) == 1 && !exists($Symboles{$mot}) && !exists($Voyelles{$mot}) && !exists($Consonnes{$mot})) { next;
$mot = &nettoieMot($mot);


print fSPEC $Recueil{$poeme}{"Mots"}{$mot} . "\t";

print fSPEC "\n";


 use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw( max );
my %Symboles = ("'"=> 0, "-"=> 0, "_"=> 0, "'"=> 0, "\""=> 0, "\\"=> 0, "/"=> 0, "|"=> 0, "«"=> 0, "»"=> 0, "°"=> 0, ","=> 0, ";
"=> 0, "."=> 0, "`"=> 0, ":"=> 0, "~"=> 0, "{"=> 0, "}"=> 0, "["=> 0, "]"=> 0, "("=> 0, ")"=> 0, "+"=> 0, "="=> 0, "<"=> 0, ">"=> 0, "*"=> 0, "²"=> 0, "³"=> 0, "?"=> 0, "%"=> 0, "\$"=> 0, "@"=> 0, "±"=> 0, "^"=> 0, "¨"=> 0, "¯"=> 0, "0"=> 0, "9"=> 0, "8"=> 0, "7"=> 0, "6"=> 0, "5"=> 0, "4"=> 0, "3"=> 0, "2"=> 0, "1"=> 0, );
my %Voyelles = ("a"=> 0, "à"=> 0, "â"=> 0, "ä"=> 0, "á"=> 0, "e"=> 0, "è"=> 0, "é"=> 0, "ê"=> 0, "ë"=> 0, "i"=> 0, "î"=> 0, "ï"=> 0, "ì"=> 0, "í"=> 0, "o"=> 0, "ô"=> 0, "ö"=> 0, "ò"=> 0, "ó"=> 0, "u"=> 0, "û"=> 0, "ü"=> 0, "ù"=> 0, "ú"=> 0, "y"=> 0, "A"=> 0, "E"=> 0, "I"=> 0, "O"=> 0, "U"=> 0, "Y"=> 0, );
my %Consonnes = ("b"=> 0, "c"=> 0, "ç"=> 0, "d"=> 0, "f"=> 0, "g"=> 0, "h"=> 0, "j"=> 0, "k"=> 0, "l"=> 0, "m"=> 0, "n"=> 0, "p"=> 0, "q"=> 0, "r"=> 0, "s"=> 0, "t"=> 0, "v"=> 0, "w"=> 0, "x"=> 0, "z"=> 0, "B"=> 0, "C"=> 0, "D"=> 0, "F"=> 0, "G"=> 0, "H"=> 0, "J"=> 0, "K"=> 0, "L"=> 0, "M"=> 0, "N"=> 0, "P"=> 0, "Q"=> 0, "R"=> 0, "S"=> 0, "T"=> 0, "V"=> 0, "W"=> 0, "X"=> 0, "Z"=> 0, );

my $recueilFile;
if ( !GetOptions ( 'recueil=s' => \$recueilFile ) ) { print "!!! Erreur dans la lecture de la ligne de commande\n";
} if ( !defined $recueilFile ) { print "!!! Aucun fichier spécifié (option -recueil) !!\n";
} my %Recueil;
my %Mots;
print "\nOuverture du recueil...\n";
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
# print "\n\nPremier passage...\n\n";
close fREC;
# print "\n\nDeuxième passage...\n\n";
my %Poetivites;
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
my $logFile;
if($recueilFile =~ m/^(\S+)\.\w+$/) { $logFile = $1;
} else { $logFile = $recueilFile;
} $logFile .= "_log.txt";
open fLOG, ">$logFile" or die "Impossible de créer le fichier log !\n";
close fREC;
close fLOG;

 function copyAndPasteWithNoise($myImageSrc,$myImageDest,$dimImage,$strength) { 
$maxNoise = $dimImage[0]*$dimImage[1];
$noise = intval(rand(0.1*$maxNoise,$maxNoise));
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $noise ;
$i++) { $width = rand(1,$strength);
$height = rand(1,$strength);
$srcX = rand(0,$dimImage[0]-$strength);
$srcY = rand(0,$dimImage[1]-$strength);

$currColor = imagecolorat($myImageSrc,$srcX,$srcY);
if(isCloseColor($myImageSrc,$currColor,255,255,255,2)) continue;

$destX = rand($srcX - $strength,$srcX + $strength);
$destY = rand($srcY - $strength,$srcY + $strength);

$xplusw = $srcX + $width;
if($xplusw >= $dimImage[0]) $width -= $xplusw - $dimImage[0];
$yplush = $srcY + $height;
if($yplush >= $dimImage[1]) $height -= $yplush - $dimImage[1];

if($destX < 0) $destX = 0;
if($destY < 0) $destY = 0;

$dxplusw = $destX + $width;
if($dxplusw >= $dimImage[0]) $destX -= $dxplusw - $dimImage[0];
$dyplush = $destY + $height;
if($dyplush >= $dimImage[1]) $destY -= $dyplush - $dimImage[1];

} } function copyAndPasteNormal($myImageSrc,$myImageDest,$dimImage,$strength) {
$maxNoise = rand(intval($strength/2),intval($strength*5));
if($maxNoise == 0) $maxNoise = 1;
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $maxNoise ;
$i++) { $width = rand(5,intval($dimImage[0]/5));
$height = rand(5,intval($dimImage[1]/5));
$srcX = rand(0,$dimImage[0]-5);
$srcY = rand(0,$dimImage[1]-5);

$destWidth = $width;
$destHeight = $height;
$ratioX = $destWidth/$width;
$ratioY = $destHeight/$height;
$destX = rand($srcX - intval(5*$ratioX),$srcX + intval(5*$ratioX));
$destY = rand($srcY - intval(5*$ratioY),$srcY + intval(5*$ratioY));

$xplusw = $srcX + $width;
if($xplusw >= $dimImage[0]) $width -= $xplusw - $dimImage[0];
$yplush = $srcY + $height;
if($yplush >= $dimImage[1]) $height -= $yplush - $dimImage[1];

if($destX < 0) $destX = 0;
if($destY < 0) $destY = 0;

$dxplusw = $destX + $destWidth;
if($dxplusw >= $dimImage[0]) $destX -= $dxplusw - $dimImage[0];
$dyplush = $destY + $destHeight;
if($dyplush >= $dimImage[1]) $destY -= $dyplush - $dimImage[1];

} } function copyAndPasteDeform($myImageSrc,$myImageDest,$dimImage,$strength) {
$maxNoise = rand(intval($strength/2),intval($strength*5));
if($maxNoise == 0) $maxNoise = 1;
for($i = 0 ;
$i < $maxNoise ;
$i++) { $width = rand(5,intval($dimImage[0]/5));
$height = rand(5,intval($dimImage[1]/5));
$srcX = rand(0,$dimImage[0]-5);
$srcY = rand(0,$dimImage[1]-5);

$destWidth = rand($width,intval(2.5*$width));
$destHeight = rand($height,intval(2.5*$height));
$ratioX = $destWidth/$width;
$ratioY = $destHeight/$height;
$destX = rand($srcX - intval(5*$ratioX),$srcX + intval(5*$ratioX));
$destY = rand($srcY - intval(5*$ratioY),$srcY + intval(5*$ratioY));

$xplusw = $srcX + $width;
if($xplusw >= $dimImage[0]) $width -= $xplusw - $dimImage[0];
$yplush = $srcY + $height;
if($yplush >= $dimImage[1]) $height -= $yplush - $dimImage[1];

if($destX < 0) $destX = 0;
if($destY < 0) $destY = 0;

$dxplusw = $destX + $destWidth;
if($dxplusw >= $dimImage[0]) $destX -= $dxplusw - $dimImage[0];
$dyplush = $destY + $destHeight;
if($dyplush >= $dimImage[1]) $destY -= $dyplush - $dimImage[1];

} } function check_extension($file,$extensions) { $extension = strrchr($file, '.');

return in_array($extension, $extensions);

  sub deuxiemePassage {  	my $ligne;
my $indLigne;
my $lastRatio;
my $compteur = 0;
my $poeme = undef;

while(<fREC>) {
$ligne = $_;
my @Ligne = split(/\s+/,$ligne);

if($poeme) { &retournementPoetivites ($poeme);
$poeme = $1;

print fLOG "\tPoeme " . $compteur . " : " . $poeme . "\n";
$indLigne = 0;
$lastRatio = undef;
my $nbMotsLigne = scalar(@Ligne);

if($nbMotsLigne == 0) { next;
my $mot;


for(my $indMot = 1 ;
$indMot <= $nbMotsLigne ;
$indMot++) {
$mot = $Ligne[$indMot-1];

if(exists($Symboles{$mot})) { next;
} if(length($mot) == 1 && !exists($Symboles{$mot}) && !exists($Voyelles{$mot}) && !exists($Consonnes{$mot})) { next;
$mot = &nettoieMot($mot);

my $poetivite = 0;

$poetivite += max(values(%Mots)) / $Mots{$mot};

my $nbLettresMot = length($mot);
$poetivite *= abs($nbLettresMot - $Recueil{$poeme}{"longueur_mot_moyenne"});

$poetivite *= 1 + $indLigne / $Recueil{$poeme}{"nombre_lignes"};

$poetivite *= 1 + $indMot / $nbMotsLigne;

my @Mot = split(//,$mot);
my $nbVoyelles = 0;
my $nbConsonnes = 0;
my $nbSymboles = 1;
foreach my $lettre (@Mot) { if (exists $Voyelles{$lettre}) { $Voyelles{$lettre}++;
$nbVoyelles ++;
} else { if (exists $Consonnes{$lettre}) { $Consonnes{$lettre}++;
$nbConsonnes ++;
} else { if (exists $Symboles{$lettre}) { $Symboles{$lettre}++;
$nbSymboles ++;
} else { print "Lettre $lettre non identifiable dans $mot à la ligne $indLigne\n";
} } } } if($mot =~ m/au/) {$nbVoyelles--;
my $ratio = $nbVoyelles / $nbLettresMot;

if($ratio == 0 || $ratio == 1) { $poetivite *= $nbLettresMot;
if($lastRatio) { if(($lastRatio - $ratio) == 0) { $poetivite *= $nbLettresMot * $nbLettresMot;
} } } else { if($ratio < (1/3)) { $poetivite *= 1/$ratio;
if($lastRatio) { if($ratio <= $lastRatio) { $poetivite *= $lastRatio / $ratio + 1;
} } } else { if($ratio > (2/3)) { $poetivite *= 1/(1-$ratio);
if($lastRatio) { if($ratio >= $lastRatio) { $poetivite *= $ratio / $lastRatio + 1;
} } } else {$poetivite *= 1;
} } } $lastRatio = $ratio;

if($mot =~ /'/) {$nbSymboles--;
} $poetivite *= 1 + $nbSymboles;

if (exists $Symboles{$Mot[0]}) { $poetivite *= 1 + $nbSymboles;
$poetivite = int($poetivite + 0.5);


 use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw( max );
my %Symboles = ("'"=> 0, "-"=> 0, "_"=> 0, "'"=> 0, "\""=> 0, "\\"=> 0, "/"=> 0, "|"=> 0, "«"=> 0, "»"=> 0, "°"=> 0, ","=> 0, ";
"=> 0, "."=> 0, "`"=> 0, ":"=> 0, "~"=> 0, "{"=> 0, "}"=> 0, "["=> 0, "]"=> 0, "("=> 0, ")"=> 0, "+"=> 0, "="=> 0, "<"=> 0, ">"=> 0, "*"=> 0, "²"=> 0, "³"=> 0, "?"=> 0, "%"=> 0, "\$"=> 0, "@"=> 0, "±"=> 0, "^"=> 0, "¨"=> 0, "¯"=> 0, "0"=> 0, "9"=> 0, "8"=> 0, "7"=> 0, "6"=> 0, "5"=> 0, "4"=> 0, "3"=> 0, "2"=> 0, "1"=> 0, );
my %Voyelles = ("a"=> 0, "à"=> 0, "â"=> 0, "ä"=> 0, "á"=> 0, "e"=> 0, "è"=> 0, "é"=> 0, "ê"=> 0, "ë"=> 0, "i"=> 0, "î"=> 0, "ï"=> 0, "ì"=> 0, "í"=> 0, "o"=> 0, "ô"=> 0, "ö"=> 0, "ò"=> 0, "ó"=> 0, "u"=> 0, "û"=> 0, "ü"=> 0, "ù"=> 0, "ú"=> 0, "y"=> 0, "A"=> 0, "E"=> 0, "I"=> 0, "O"=> 0, "U"=> 0, "Y"=> 0, );
my %Consonnes = ("b"=> 0, "c"=> 0, "ç"=> 0, "d"=> 0, "f"=> 0, "g"=> 0, "h"=> 0, "j"=> 0, "k"=> 0, "l"=> 0, "m"=> 0, "n"=> 0, "p"=> 0, "q"=> 0, "r"=> 0, "s"=> 0, "t"=> 0, "v"=> 0, "w"=> 0, "x"=> 0, "z"=> 0, "B"=> 0, "C"=> 0, "D"=> 0, "F"=> 0, "G"=> 0, "H"=> 0, "J"=> 0, "K"=> 0, "L"=> 0, "M"=> 0, "N"=> 0, "P"=> 0, "Q"=> 0, "R"=> 0, "S"=> 0, "T"=> 0, "V"=> 0, "W"=> 0, "X"=> 0, "Z"=> 0, );

my $recueilFile;
if ( !GetOptions ( 'recueil=s' => \$recueilFile ) ) { print "!!! Erreur dans la lecture de la ligne de commande\n";
} if ( !defined $recueilFile ) { print "!!! Aucun fichier spécifié (option -recueil) !!\n";
} my %Recueil;
my %Mots;
print "\nOuverture du recueil...\n";
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
# print "\n\nPremier passage...\n\n";
close fREC;
# print "\n\nDeuxième passage...\n\n";
my %Poetivites;
open fREC, "<$recueilFile" or die "Impossible d'ouvrir le recueil !\n";
my $logFile;
if($recueilFile =~ m/^(\S+)\.\w+$/) { $logFile = $1;
} else { $logFile = $recueilFile;
} $logFile .= "_log.txt";
open fLOG, ">$logFile" or die "Impossible de créer le fichier log !\n";
close fREC;
close fLOG;



La vie est un livre dont vous n'êtes pas le héros.

Troum is the old german word for "dream".

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pour sauver notre planète : Cliquez ici

Bienvenue sur mon blog spécialisé dans des livres rares, des livres exigeants
qui ont tous une énorme qualité : ils peuvent vous faire changer de vie.
Ces livres ont fait l’objet d’une sélection rigoureuse, je les ai tous lus
et choisis parmi des centaines d’autres.
-|| MutastaZ ||-

soreilles guines
pleurent sortes de lames larmées
tristes 500

j'ai les yeux pulses, aux aguets, le front bombé d'irradiances
à force d'avorter des vers dans l'oeuf -
veux dès lors parler comme un microprocesseur


pas d'écharpieuses dents à l'entrée, tu glisses
puis alors tout luit/sonne comme grille crâne, grille vie
car seulement t'avale et torture en digère doucereuse