i n v i d a t i o n    v5

__ lab transmedia numérique __ grappe de cerveaux connectés __ multiprocessing poétique __ zone de scrypt.#rt __

__ avec __
Mathias Richard
Nikola Akileus

__ arrière-plan __
compendium invidation_v[<5] avec AC Hello, g.Cl4renko, Mathias Richard, Awkwardist & Nikola Akileus

__ digital transmedia lab __ brain cluster __ poetic multiprocessing __ scrypt.#rt area __

__ featuring __
Mathias Richard
Nikola Akileus

__ background __
compendium invidation_v[<5] feat. AC Hello, g.Cl4renko, Mathias Richard, Awkwardist & Nikola Akileus

webscrypted by atomeases __ powered by PluXml
now on hystereodrome

Jim Delarge
Tajiaphragm / Memory 3
Ichtyor Tides


* Chicken or the egg — a seemingly unbreakable cycle of causation, which has an unknown origin.
* Cornelian dilemma — a choice between actions which will all have a detrimental effect on the chooser or on someone they care for.
* Deadlock — in computing, when two processes reach a standstill or impasse; paradoxically waiting for the other to finish.
* Double bind — a forced choice between two logically conflicting demands.
* Hobson's choice — the choice between taking an option or not taking it.
* Lesser of two evils principle — a choice between two undesirable outcomes.
* Morton's Fork — a choice between two equally unpleasant alternatives.
* Paradox — a statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies intuition.




combien poursuivi par la tragique des cubes
débités ici en fines lamelles afin de
  • mettre terme (mise aplat de l'obsessose)
  • révéler leur cœur-core-carré (c3)
  • constater en leur claie qu'ils
                      sont eux-mêmes faits de la même matrice
                      qui fait l'infinité de leur immanence, etc.

inVidé par nikola akileus :: 16042012